webview user agent
Do u webview? october 9, 2014 3:52 am here’s the user-agent string for facebook’s webview: mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 7_1_1 like mac os x). What is the default user-agent? the new webview adds chrome/_version_ to the user-agent string. refer to chrome user agent strings for an example.. Uiwebview provides no way to change the user-agent. and not only it doesn't provide anything to change it, but it also override this value when we try to set the user.
Webview - define user-agent on every request. change default user-agent in webview uwp. related. 1409. using java.net.urlconnection to fire and handle http. Contents. chrome for android; webview on android; user agent strings. a browser’s user agent string (ua) helps identify which browser is being used, what version. Updating useragent of webview . windows and windows phone apps , where i have to update the user agent of the webview. i am doing the following :.